Steffen Hertog
Senior Advisor
Steffen advises clients on the Middle East and North Africa. He is professor in comparative politics in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
He was previously Kuwait professor at Sciences Po Paris, lecturer in political economy at the University of Durham and post-doctoral research fellow at Princeton University.
Steffen has worked with international agencies including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Bank and the International Labour Organization within the UN. He also consulted for companies including BCG, McKinsey & Co. and Bain & Co. on economic development issues.
He regularly advises government agencies across the region on questions of labour market and public sector reform. He is the author of Princes, Brokers and Bureaucrats: Oil and the State in Saudi Arabia and of numerous academic articles and opinion pieces.
Steffen holds a DPhil from the University of Oxford.