Sustainability & Energy Transition

Understand how the shift towards cleaner energy is remaking the foundations of the global economy

How will the race to achieve net-zero affect businesses in terms of costs and opportunities? What are the political risks and how volatile will the journey be? How will the shift to green energy reshape the economies and political landscapes of the Middle East, Russia and China?

We help our clients understand how changes to the way the world’s energy is produced, transported and stored will impact their business.

“Far from fostering unity, the energy transition will produce new forms of competition and confrontation long before a more copacetic geopolitics takes shape.”

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Senior Director

Meghan provides strategic counsel on geopolitics and the energy transition. She is director of the Belfer Center and the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. She was previously a deputy national security advisor to President George W. Bush.

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Our Sustainability & Energy Transition Advisors Our People

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Senior Director

Meghan provides strategic counsel on geopolitics and the energy transition. She is director of the Belfer Center and the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. She was previously a deputy national security advisor to President George W. Bush.

Thomas Ahrenkiel


Thomas heads our Europe Practice. He was previously director of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service and permanent secretary of state at the Ministry of Defence, as well as diplomatic advisor to the Danish prime minister.

Mark Carney

Senior Counsellor

Mark was governor of the Bank of England and chair of the Monetary Policy Committee, Financial Policy Committee and the board of the Prudential Regulation Committee from 2013 to 2020.

Jason Bordoff

Senior Advisor

Jason focuses on the energy sector. He is a professor of professional practice at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and is a founding director of SIPA’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

Brian Deese

Senior Advisor

Brian served as the director of the White House National Economic Council, advising President Joe Biden on domestic and international economic policy and coordinating the administration’s economic agenda.

Carlos Lopes

Senior Advisor

Carlos advises clients on Africa. He is an honorary professor at the Mandela School of Public Governance at the University of Cape Town, affiliate professor at Sciences Po, Paris and associate fellow at Chatham House’s Africa Programme.

Mike Pyle

Senior Advisor

Mike is former US Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics (2022-2024). He led the Biden Administration's international economic policy team and also served as the President’s sherpa to the G7 and G20.

Gita Wirjawan

Senior Advisor

Gita is the chairman and founder of investment management company Ancora Group and Ancora Foundation. He is a visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center and served as Indonesia’s minister of trade.

Our Impact | Sustainability & Energy Transition

Enabling a global engineering firm to get ahead of its competitors as green energy transforms the industry

The energy transition will have significant impact on business costs, risks and opportunities for all international organisations as governments prioritise energy security and aim for ambitious net-zero targets. We delivered a comprehensive macro strategy that helped our client anticipate and navigate changes in the global energy transition, giving it a competitive edge.