Sustainability & Energy Transition

Understand how the shift towards cleaner energy is remaking the foundations of the global economy

How will the race to achieve net-zero affect businesses in terms of costs and opportunities? What are the political risks and how volatile will the journey be? How will the politicisation of ESG and a retreat from sustainability in the US and other major economies impact the energy transition and climate policies?

We help our clients understand how changes to the way the world’s energy is produced, transported and stored will impact their business.

“Far from fostering unity, the energy transition will produce new forms of competition and confrontation long before a more copacetic geopolitics takes shape.”

Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Senior Director

Meghan provides strategic counsel on geopolitics and the energy transition. She is director of the Belfer Center and the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. She was previously a deputy national security advisor to President George W. Bush.

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Our Impact | Sustainability & Energy Transition

Enabling a global engineering firm to get ahead of its competitors as green energy transforms the industry

The energy transition will have significant impact on business costs, risks and opportunities for all international organisations as governments prioritise energy security and aim for ambitious net-zero targets. We delivered a comprehensive macro strategy that helped our client anticipate and navigate changes in the global energy transition, giving it a competitive edge.