MAP at Berlin Global Dialogue 2024

Berlin Global Dialogue 2024 focused on new ways to cooperate in a fragmented world. A changing global order, economic pressures, the climate crisis, and rapid technological advancements require new coalitions, partnerships, and institutions for cooperation.

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MAP CEO Nader Mousavizadeh, Global Advisory Board Members Carl-Henric Svanberg and Emily Haber, Senior Advisors Brian Deese and Mike Pyle, and Managing Director Louisa Terrell attended BDG 2024. They were invited to take part in the Changing Tides? Trans-Atlantic Relations After the US Elections session discussing the economic and industrial policy implications of US 2024 elections.

The outcome of the November 2024 US elections will be a pivotal factor shaping the global geopolitical and macroeconomic landscape, influencing both European and global policymakers, as well as business leaders, in the coming years.

The two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, present divergent foreign, economic, and industrial policies, which have increased uncertainty over critical issues such as NATO collective security, transatlantic trade, conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and relations with China.

The next U.S. president’s domestic agenda, encompassing industrial, fiscal, and monetary policies, will significantly impact the operating environment for companies and investors in the US and worldwide.

The MAP team offered their insights on the outlook and key considerations for US 2024, discussing the economic and foreign policy implications under either Trump 2.0 or Harris.